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المكتبة الافتراضية

الوقت الان

اسئلة الامتحان التنافسي ماجستير 2021-2022


Q1/A/ Choose the correct answer.   (12 Marks)

The general formula of polysaccharides is:1

 (A) (C6H10O5)n

(B) (C6H12O5)n

(C) (C6H10O6)n

(D) (C6(H2O)6)n

2-α-D-glucose and β -D-glucose are

(A) Stereoisomers

(B) Epimers

(C) Anomers

(D) Keto-aldo pairs

3 -Cerebrosides consist of mostly of this sugar:

(A) Glucose (B) Fructose

(C) Galactose (D) Arabinose

4 -When O2 supply is inadequate, pyruvate is converted to:

 (A) Phosphopyruvate

 (B) Acetyl CoA

 (C) Lactate

 (D) Alanine

5 -Cholesterol is the precursor for the biosynthesis of:

 (A) fatty acid

(B) prostaglandins

(C) bile acids

(D) sphingmyelin

6 -β-Oxidation of fatty acids requires all the following coenzymes except

(A) CoA




Q1/B/ Define following terms                                                   ( 8 Marks)

1-    Peptide bond

2-    Isoelectric Point

3-    Nucleoside

4-    Coenzyme








Organic Chemistry

Q2/A/ Choose the correct answer.                                        (12 Marks)

1-    What is a correct name for the following compound?    


A-  1,1-dimethyl-2-cyclohexenol

B-   3,3-dimethyl-1-cyclohexen-6-ol

C-   6,6-dimethyl-1-cyclohexen-3-ol

D-  4,4-dimethyl-2-cyclohexenol.

2-    Which of the following molecules has a linear shape?

A-  CBr4

B-   CH2=CH2

C-   BF3

D-  SO2

3-    Which of the following trienes will have the longest wavelength absorption in the ultraviolet? 


4-    The 1HNMR spectrum of diethyl ether shows?

A-   two peaks, one a triplet, the other a quartet

B-   two peaks, one a triplet, the other a doublet

C-   four peaks, all doublets.

D-   four peaks, all triplets.

5-    Which of the following compounds is phenanthrene?




6-    Which of the following isomeric hydrocarbons is most acidic? 


Q2/B/                                                                                         (8Marks)

1- The IUPAC name for (CH3)2CHCH(CH3)CH2CH=CH2 is……  

2- Give the two examples  of the addition reactions of alkenes ?

3-Give the two structure of terminal alkynes compounds ?

4-Give the three molecules for SP.SP2, SP3 hybridazition types? 















Analytical Chemistry

Q3/A/ Choose the correct answer?                                       ( 12 Marks) 

1-If the mole fraction of metal in complex   equal to 0.5 the formula of complex is

(A) ML      (B)  ML2         (C)  M2L         (D) M2L4

2- [Fe(bipy)3]2+ show one of the following  transition

(A)n→π*     (B)  π→π*             (C) L→M      (D) M→L

3-The number of theoretical plates in a column on which the retention time of a sample component is 7.66 min and the peak width is 47 s. is

(A)15.2997   (B) 152.997  (C) 1529.97    (D) 15299.7

4- 250 ml of 1000 ppm NaCl are contained

(A)1 g     (B) 0.250 g       (C) 0.1 g          (D) 0.0250 g              of NaCl

5- the pH of solution result from added 0.05 g of NaOH to 50 ml of 0.1M HCN is

(A)4.000      (B) 2.533      (C) 3.681       (D) 3.522

6- The pAg of solution result from added 10 ml of 0.01 M AgNO3 to 20 ml of 0.01M NaCl is

(A)7.518      (B) 6.241        (C) 5.432       (D) 4.998

  Na=23     Cl= 35.5       KaHCN = 1x10-4     KspAgCl = 1x10-10

Q3/ B/                                                                            ( 8 Marks)

1- Explain the standard addition method?             

2-Explain the photometric titration?

Physical Chemistry

Q4/A/ Choose the correct answer.                        (12 Marks)

1-  for the reaction   . Assuming  is independent of temperature, which of the following statements about the percent yield of   is true?

(A) It increases as the amount of  increases.

(B) It increases as the temperature increases.

(C) It decreases as the temperature increases.

(D) It doubles When the initial partial pressure of  is doubled.

2-  Shown below a phase diagram of 50 g hexane and 50g nitrobenzene prepared at 290 K. To what temperature must the sample be heated in order to obtain a single phase?

A)273K           B) 290K         C)             D) 

3- from infrared absorption spectrum of a heteronuclear diatomic molecule .Information about which of the following kinds of energy can be obtained?

(A) Electronic only

(B) Vibrational only

(C) Vibrational and Rotational only

(D) Electronic, Vibrational and Rotational

4-  The ionization energy of a ground state H atom is 13.6 eV. Given the following equation:, how much energy is needed to excite an electron in an H atom from a state with quantum number n=1 to a state with n=2?

(A) (1/8)13. 6eV

(B) (1/4)13.6eV

(C) (1/2)13.6eV

(D) (3/4)13.6eV

5- A large activation energy implies which of the following about areaction ?

(A) It is spontaneous

(B) It is highly endothermic

(C) It is very rapid

(D) It has a highly temperature –dependent rate constant

6- The heat fusion of ice is 333.5J/g. The entropy change for the water when freezing 5.0g of water at 00C and 1 atm pressure is

(A) 6.1  J/K

(B) 1.2 J/K

(C)  0  J/K

(D)  -6.1  J/K

Q4/B/ The initial rates given below were determined for the reaction                                                                            (8 Marks)



Initial RateMs-1














What is the overall rate law for this reaction?

Inorganic Chemistry

Q5/A/ Choose the correct answer.                       (12 Marks)

1- Which of the following is correct for [Mn(Cl)6]4-

(A) dsp2 and square planar

(B) sp3d2 and octahedral

(C) d2sp3 and octahedral

(D) sp3d2 and tetrahedral

2- Which of the following complexes has a magnetic moment of 1.73 BM?

(A) [Ni(CN)4]2-

(B) TiCl4

(C) [Cu(NH3)4]2+

(D) [CoCl6]4-

3- Which one the following octahedral complexes will be distorted:

A) [Cu (Cl)6]-4)

(B) [Co (en)3]+2

C) [Cr (Cl)6]-4)

 (D) All the complexes above

4-Which of the following is correct for [Mn(CN)6]3-?

(A) dsp2 and square planar

(B) sp3d2 and octahedral

(C) d2sp3 and octahedral

(D) sp3d2 and tetrahedral

5-  An example of a sigma bonded organometallic compound is:

(A) Grignard reagent

(B) Ferrocene

(C) Cobaltocene


6- Which of the following d orbitals take part in the octahedral complex with d2sp3 hybridisation?

(A)      dxy, dyz

(B)         dxz, dx2−y2

(C)    dx2−y2, dz2

(D)    dz2, dxz

Q5/B/                                                                                   (8 Marks) 

1- In brief, explained the factors affecting the crystal field stabilization energy.                                                            

2- Compare the following complexes with respect to structural shapes of units, magnetic behaviour and hybrid orbitals involved in units:   

[Co(NH3)6]3+, [Cr(NH3)6]3+, [Ni(CO)4]

(At. No. : Co = 27, Cr = 24, Ni = 28)




Q1/A/ Choose the correct answer.                                          (12 Marks)

1-The general formula of polysaccharides is:

 (A) (C6H10O5)n

(B) (C6H12O5)n

(C) (C6H10O6)n

(D) (C6(H2O)6)n

2-α-D-glucose and β -D-glucose are

(A) Stereoisomers

(B) Epimers

(C) Anomers

(D) Keto-aldo pairs

3 -Cerebrosides consist of mostly of this sugar:

(A) Glucose (B) Fructose

(C) Galactose (D) Arabinose

4 -When O2 supply is inadequate, pyruvate is converted to:

 (A) Phosphopyruvate

 (B) Acetyl CoA

 (C) Lactate

 (D) Alanine

5 -Cholesterol is the precursor for the biosynthesis of:

 (A) fatty acid

(B) prostaglandins

(C) bile acids

(D) sphingmyelin

6 -β-Oxidation of fatty acids requires all the following coenzymes except

(A) CoA




Q1/B/ Define following terms                                                   ( 8 Marks)

1-    Peptide bond

2-    Isoelectric Point

3-    Nucleoside

4-    Coenzyme








Organic Chemistry

Q2/A/ Choose the correct answer.                                        (12 Marks)

1-    What is a correct name for the following compound?    


A-  1,1-dimethyl-2-cyclohexenol

B-   3,3-dimethyl-1-cyclohexen-6-ol

C-   6,6-dimethyl-1-cyclohexen-3-ol

D-  4,4-dimethyl-2-cyclohexenol.

2-    Which of the following molecules has a linear shape?

A-  CBr4

B-   CH2=CH2

C-   BF3

D-  SO2

3-    Which of the following trienes will have the longest wavelength absorption in the ultraviolet? 


4-    The 1HNMR spectrum of diethyl ether shows?

A-   two peaks, one a triplet, the other a quartet

B-   two peaks, one a triplet, the other a doublet

C-   four peaks, all doublets.

D-   four peaks, all triplets.

5-    Which of the following compounds is phenanthrene?




6-    Which of the following isomeric hydrocarbons is most acidic? 


Q2/B/                                                                                         (8Marks)

1- The IUPAC name for (CH3)2CHCH(CH3)CH2CH=CH2 is……  

2- Give the two examples  of the addition reactions of alkenes ?

3-Give the two structure of terminal alkynes compounds ?

4-Give the three molecules for SP.SP2, SP3 hybridazition types? 















Analytical Chemistry

Q3/A/ Choose the correct answer?                                       ( 12 Marks) 

1-If the mole fraction of metal in complex   equal to 0.5 the formula of complex is

(A) ML      (B)  ML2         (C)  M2L         (D) M2L4

2- [Fe(bipy)3]2+ show one of the following  transition

(A)n→π*     (B)  π→π*             (C) L→M      (D) M→L

3-The number of theoretical plates in a column on which the retention time of a sample component is 7.66 min and the peak width is 47 s. is

(A)15.2997   (B) 152.997  (C) 1529.97    (D) 15299.7

4- 250 ml of 1000 ppm NaCl are contained

(A)1 g     (B) 0.250 g       (C) 0.1 g          (D) 0.0250 g              of NaCl

5- the pH of solution result from added 0.05 g of NaOH to 50 ml of 0.1M HCN is

(A)4.000      (B) 2.533      (C) 3.681       (D) 3.522

6- The pAg of solution result from added 10 ml of 0.01 M AgNO3 to 20 ml of 0.01M NaCl is

(A)7.518      (B) 6.241        (C) 5.432       (D) 4.998

  Na=23     Cl= 35.5       KaHCN = 1x10-4     KspAgCl = 1x10-10

Q3/ B/                                                                            ( 8 Marks)

1- Explain the standard addition method?             

2-Explain the photometric titration?

Physical Chemistry

Q4/A/ Choose the correct answer.                        (12 Marks)

1-  for the reaction   . Assuming  is independent of temperature, which of the following statements about the percent yield of   is true?

(A) It increases as the amount of  increases.

(B) It increases as the temperature increases.

(C) It decreases as the temperature increases.

(D) It doubles When the initial partial pressure of  is doubled.

2-  Shown below a phase diagram of 50 g hexane and 50g nitrobenzene prepared at 290 K. To what temperature must the sample be heated in order to obtain a single phase?

A)273K           B) 290K         C)             D) 

3- from infrared absorption spectrum of a heteronuclear diatomic molecule .Information about which of the following kinds of energy can be obtained?

(A) Electronic only

(B) Vibrational only

(C) Vibrational and Rotational only

(D) Electronic, Vibrational and Rotational

4-  The ionization energy of a ground state H atom is 13.6 eV. Given the following equation:, how much energy is needed to excite an electron in an H atom from a state with quantum number n=1 to a state with n=2?

(A) (1/8)13. 6eV

(B) (1/4)13.6eV

(C) (1/2)13.6eV

(D) (3/4)13.6eV

5- A large activation energy implies which of the following about areaction ?

(A) It is spontaneous

(B) It is highly endothermic

(C) It is very rapid

(D) It has a highly temperature –dependent rate constant

6- The heat fusion of ice is 333.5J/g. The entropy change for the water when freezing 5.0g of water at 00C and 1 atm pressure is

(A) 6.1  J/K

(B) 1.2 J/K

(C)  0  J/K

(D)  -6.1  J/K

Q4/B/ The initial rates given below were determined for the reaction                                                                            (8 Marks)



Initial RateMs-1














What is the overall rate law for this reaction?


Inorganic Chemistry 

Q5/A/ Choose the correct answer.                       (12 Marks)

1- Which of the following is correct for [Mn(Cl)6]4-

(A) dsp2 and square planar

(B) sp3d2 and octahedral

(C) d2sp3 and octahedral

(D) sp3d2 and tetrahedral

2- Which of the following complexes has a magnetic moment of 1.73 BM?

(A) [Ni(CN)4]2-

(B) TiCl4

(C) [Cu(NH3)4]2+

(D) [CoCl6]4-

3- Which one the following octahedral complexes will be distorted:

A) [Cu (Cl)6]-4)

(B) [Co (en)3]+2

C) [Cr (Cl)6]-4)

 (D) All the complexes above

4-Which of the following is correct for [Mn(CN)6]3-?

(A) dsp2 and square planar

(B) sp3d2 and octahedral

(C) d2sp3 and octahedral

(D) sp3d2 and tetrahedral




5-  An example of a sigma bonded organometallic compound is:

(A) Grignard reagent

(B) Ferrocene

(C) Cobaltocene


6- Which of the following d orbitals take part in the octahedral complex with d2sp3 hybridisation?

(A)      dxy, dyz

(B)         dxz, dx2−y2

(C)    dx2−y2, dz2

(D)    dz2, dxz


Q5/B/                                                                               (8 Marks) 

1- In brief, explained the factors affecting the crystal field stabilization energy.                                                            

2- Compare the following complexes with respect to structural shapes of units, magnetic behaviour and hybrid orbitals involved in units:  

[Co(NH3)6]3+, [Cr(NH3)6]3+, [Ni(CO)4]

(At. No. : Co = 27, Cr = 24, Ni = 28)

التاريخ: 19-01-2024 | الوقـت: 11:33:05 صباحا |

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